Monday, April 30, 2012

I did it

I did it. I'm officially done with school! I turned in my last project which was my demo reel, resume, business card, and a link to my website. I am now ready to move from school, and continue to use these skills that I have learned, to get a well paying job. I plan on getting a part time job in a local news or tv studio. Since I'm moving up north, in August, I was thinking about getting a job at Cenertal Michigan University in Mt. Pleasant, MI. They have a public tv station there on campus.

I might be able to get a job at Buzz Tv in Jackson, Michigan. So I don't know if moving up North is a good idea.  My fiance's dad knows Rusty, who is the person getting this started. He talk to Rusty about me, told him I am a hard worker and I want to succeed in what I want to do. Which was very nice of him. I ended up writing Rusty a message on facebook. He replied that they didn't have any money, since they're just get started. However, once they do get things going he would be happy to have me on the team. I wrote him back saying I could volunteer during the summer if he needs any help. I feel like everyone likes free help. ha

I also plan on working part time or more on my own films. I just want a part time job to help pay bills, and also gain more experience and skills for my field. Also, so I can have money, but I really want to do my own thing. I plan on being in other film festivals in the area and spread myself out across the state, then make my way out. So start here in Lansing, then to Grand Rapids, Detroit, Travers City, then Chicago, Toledo, ect. I need to start networking a lot more and getting my name out there.

I'm so nervous and excited at the same time. Life is about to change, I know I am ready.

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