Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mulva The Vulva

Here's a video I did for my friend Ian Mulvaney at Connxtions. I'm going back there tonight so I can get shot from another angle and add them to this video. Also I was playing around with the title tool... I think I am going to change it in the next video.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

video soon

Hey, long time no see...

I've been really busy trying to get a video editor to work and be able to export my video as HD. There's no point doing the video in low quality because I wanted this camera so I could shoot in HD. So I am working on my friends video for his comedy show. It's looking alright, I just wish I could have gotten the show from different angles. If he likes this video then I am going to ask him if I can come back and shoot him again. So I could add on to what I have and make it look better. I just hope my computer doesn't crash exporting this video. It kept getting blue screen when we did this, then we realized my new mother board was over clocked. We fixed it and tried it again, but the computer crashed... I am trying the second time, so hopefully it works. I'll post it when I'm done.

Half way through this semester! Can't wait to be done! Hopefully I can find a job in my field sometime soon, I really want to get out of Jimmy John's and fast!

By the way... how often am I suppose to update my blog? Everyday? Once a week? Or just whenever...


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Recycle Jar Plant Hangers

So came across a couple extra jars a while ago and I didn't want to throw them out. I felt like I could still use them. I then came across this idea on the internet, to make plant hangers out of them. So I did! I couldn't find the original place I found it, but I did find this blog:

I super glued the twine to the jar's just to be on the safe side. :D

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Good News Everyone!

I will be updating my computer over this weekend! Which means I will be able to finally edit my clips and post them online! Also I can edit my old projects to make them look better, which will be awesome. I am SO excited! The first thing I am going to do is start working on those projects. :D The memory has been shipped and I will be getting the rest of the stuff on Friday! Hopefully I will get my loan in time. =X

Yes, I am spending my loan on these upgrades... but its something I need, so I can get myself to the next step.

I only have nine more weeks of school left. That's it.  I can't believe how fast this semester is going. However, I am beginning to think that I work too much at JJ's. I need to work harder on my projects and not get lazy after work. I won't get stuck in the same cycle everyday. I'm not going to see what I worked so hard for, go down the drain. I will have my associates for Motion Picture Directing and I won't waste my life away to be nothing.
I can't wait till I have that diploma in my hand in July.... It's funny how a piece of paper can mean so much to a person.

I ran Super Bowl 5K last Sunday. Didn't beat my personal best, but I didn't gain any real time either... just a couple seconds around my last time at the Dino Dash. :) I was pretty happy since I haven't been running that much lately. I am going running tonight though! l

Also I am going to post pictures in a little bit this craft idea I found! It super cute and good for the planet!! I think you guys will like it. XD


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This last week

Wow, this week went by SO fast! I was really busy working on my portfolio when I got a chance. I had so much to work on with it and I still do. However, this is my only class and my last semester, so I'll be fine. :D

I actually started to write my script for my webisode. I am now done with brainstorming and getting background of the characters. I figure I could just write it and figure out how the characters to be as the story is unfolding. After I am done writing it I am going to go to LCC and talked to some theater kids I know and see if they are interested in being in it. Hopefully the story of my script will sound interesting with them and some will want to join. Sure it would be fun if my friends were in it... it's just I need decent actors in this.

Adobe is till not working! So I am going to try to new program called Cyberlink Power Director. I did some research and I think this one sounded pretty good, so I thought, why not. I'll let you guys know how it goes. That way I will have some new work to show you guys! XD

Yesterday, Tuesday, I delivered for work for the first time in months. I miss it, a lot. I made like 30 bucks which was awesome. However I did get a parking ticket on my 1rd delivery!  I thought I was only going to be five minutes, but the women took longer to get down stairs and meet me then I thought. I knew I should have put a dime in. BUT no... I had to play mister cool guy and not put money in. :( The parking women was on the next car when I came out too. I was so upset, 5 bucks out of my tip money. I mean come on, you guys know I work for JJ's I'm going to be freaky fast. Grr Oh well... what are you going to do....

Thats all for now... I have a lot of work to do... btw does anyone know where I could find a decent but cheap domain name? Thanks!