Thursday, January 26, 2012

getting my dipolma in July and screw the homeless

Last night I got an e-mail from Lansing Community College stating: "Congratulations!  Your Application for an Associate Degree has been approved for Spring semester.  You may view your degree status by accessing your academic transcript online via LCC’s Banner Student System.  Your diploma will be mailed in July.  Name and address changes must be completed prior to the end of Spring semester.". 

I could not be any happier right now! I am so happy to be almost done! I just have to pass my portfolio class and I will be done. Which is an easy class, I just have to show up and do my work. Basically all I have to do is work on my portfolio, online portfolio, mock interview, and get ready for the real world. @_@ I don't think I will have any problems, I got this in a bag.

Still haven't figured out what is going on with adobe... but then again I haven't had time to work on it. Been working a lot of hours at JJ's and my homework for my portfolio class. I'll mess with it this weekend...

I went to kick boxing last night with my room mate Lizzy. I am so sore today. My back is killing me! I'm thinking about going to a chiropractor to get it looked at, because I feel like my back is really messed up. I can't lay flat on the ground. My lower back just curves up, I can fight both my arms under my back. =/ I should look up some stretches or something for it. I need to fix this soon, or its going to cause me lots of problems in the future. 

So today I deiced to walk home instead of taking the bus from work. It wasn't too cold and it sounded fun. Plus its only like a 25-30 min walk, so it's not that bad. I was walking by the Nuthouse when I saw this women asking for changed from a man. I thought to myself, 'Shit, I better book it or she's going to ask me'. So I started to walk faster and sure enough I heard behind me, "Mam, excuse me". I ignored her and kept walking. Then I heard it again, 'God dang it' I thought to myself as I turned around. She then introduced herself and told me she was homeless cause her boyfriend left her for another women, blah, blah, blah. I never saw her before so I believed her and gave her my day old I just bought at JJ's (this was going to be my lunch). I also gave her 60 cents, that was my bus fare, just cause it was in my hand. She then had the nerve to ask me about the bread, "Does this have meat on it?". I was so upset... I mean really, really?! I just gave you my meal for the day and now your asking for more... wtf?! Then I told her, "Hey, it's better then nothing and that's more then what I have at home" and walked away. That is the last time I do something nice for a homeless person...

Thats all I can think about to say right now... 
Hopefully I will have a new video up this weekend. I did post an old/new video on youtube. Just another trailer spoof about zombies, you should check it out! 

Well I have to get ready for work. I work 10pm to close (3am)
peace out


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Being a grown up.. sucks!

I can't stand adobe premiere right now!! I've been trying to figure it out the last couple of days and its so annoying! For some reason all my video clips in the source window move very slowly. I don't know how many times I've changed the settings. Ahh! I just want it to work so I can make more videos and post them on here. I made this blog to push my career, but it's not helping when the software I'm working with, wont' work. I was going to try to work on it when I got home from work tonight but I was a half an hour longer at work then I thought it would be.  We were so busy tonight and we didn't get out until 11pm. It sucked. So I'm just going to relax...

The last couple of days I've been trying to be more productive at home. I feel like all I do is sit on my computer and surf the web, and that gets boring pretty fast. =X So I worked on my memory wall for a little bit last night. Then messed with adobe for hours!!! Still haven't gotten anywhere. I volunteered for the Great Lakes Broadcasting Conference happening here in Lansing. I get to be a Broadcast Excellence Award Program Assistant. This job involves setting up for the BEA awards program, assisting attendees to available seats, and then assisting in the distribution of the awards during the program. I'm pretty excited for that. :D I also worked on my resume today. Adding new things to it and making it look a little more fancy. It's part of my homework for my portfolio class. Yay! Go Rudi!

I can't wait to be done with school, but I am also really scared because I don't know if I'll find a job. Hopefully I will so I can pay back my loan.  Thank god I only took out one. However my main focus are my stories that I want to share with you guys.... But I do need something to pay my bills... =/ Being a grown up.. sucks!


Monday, January 23, 2012

Working on layout

Hey guys,

If the page is being a little weird, then it's my bad. I'm working on my layout so bare with me. =X Soon it will be so pretty!! Thanks for understanding.


Sunday, January 22, 2012


        Okay.. last Friday what happened to the snow storm?! I was so excited for it, then it just didn't happen..    Lame.
        Although, it was a great night to watch "Lord of the Rings Return of the King". That film is so amazing. These movies make me realize how much I want to become a director. To be able to share a story and make people feel for the characters, for the story. And what Peter Jackson did with "Lord of the Rings" was the best creation in cinema during this time period.
   That movie me made me re think my life, again. I need to start working more on my projects. So I can tell my story. So you guys can hear what I have to say...let see how long that last. :P

        Saturday I played Battlefield 3 on my room mate Lizzy PS3. The graphics are pretty good and I like the story line so far. I have not played on a counsel in a long time, and its really weird for me to use a controller. The set up for the attack buttons, just don't work for me. I always throw a grenade when I want to run. Or I will hit R2 to shoot but it pulls out my knife. AND whenever I go to crouch, I lay flat on my stomach. I mean come on!! Grrr    
        So I've been playing on the campaign to get use the to keys before I play online... I'm going to try to change the keys the next time I play.
       Today, Sunday, I went car shopping with Andrew all day. It was so boring! I now know how it feels when I make him go shopping with me. Poor guy. We didn't find anything either. He wants an manual transmission but all the cars were auto.
        Mallory my sister took me out to a movie tonight! We went and saw Beauty and the Beast in 3D. It was so awesome! I loved every minute of it. It brought back so many good memories and I still laughed and cried. It was great. I have to go see TIN TIN!! I've been wanting to see it... Maybe I'll go on Tuesday...
     Mal then hung out here for a bit, we did out nails and talked. It was nice to get caught up. I miss her a lot. I'm going to hang out her next weekend. I'm excited! XD

Well I'm off to bed.. but I'm going to read "The Hobbit" before I do...

ps. i didn't know how to end this... so i just signed... lol

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

this week...

So far this week has been insane. I signed up for this magazine deal/ scam last week. They told me I couldn't cancel it till after three days. When I got the paper in the mail with the information I realized it was 66 bucks a month! I can't afford that! I can barley afford rent right now. POOR college student here people! So I called them Friday night, but they were closed. I then called them on Tuesday and they told me I had up to 3 days to cancel it!! I was pass the days to cancel it!! WTF?! I told them I can't afford it and I can't pay it. So they gave me the student deal which is 25 bucks... I still can't afford that. I told them, and they told me they can't cancel it!! HOW can you not!? Honestly?!

SO I called my bank today, told them what was going on, and I'm now getting a new card. Thank god I have such an understanding bank. Hopefully, I wont have any bill collectors call me... if so I will let them know I told them I couldn't and wouldn't pay for it. So... there fault... GRR

It also doesn't help that everyone has been yelling to me about it. Falling for a scam like that... well I didn't know. GOD! I thought it was a good deal.

On the side note...
I've been looking for a new job, something that pays more and is in my major. I also updated my vimeo, youtube, and LinkedIn pages so maybe something will happen. Just sucks cause no one is hiring right now. So I'm just going to work on my Sci Fi webisode. Everyone that I have talked about it to says they really like the idea. It will be easy and cheap to film, I just have to get the script done. I need to get something out there on youtube to start getting my name out there.

Monday, January 16, 2012

New to all this...

Okay... here I am writing a blog... I feel like everyone does this now a day. However it seems like I am now part of everyone. Apparently I had to start a blog.. why? Not sure yet..

However I think the reason why people assume I had to start one is because, I have a lot of ideas in my head.  I guess I need a place to write them... to share them...

So here I am, wish me luck!
Good night for now, by the way the name is Rudi.