Monday, April 30, 2012

I did it

I did it. I'm officially done with school! I turned in my last project which was my demo reel, resume, business card, and a link to my website. I am now ready to move from school, and continue to use these skills that I have learned, to get a well paying job. I plan on getting a part time job in a local news or tv studio. Since I'm moving up north, in August, I was thinking about getting a job at Cenertal Michigan University in Mt. Pleasant, MI. They have a public tv station there on campus.

I might be able to get a job at Buzz Tv in Jackson, Michigan. So I don't know if moving up North is a good idea.  My fiance's dad knows Rusty, who is the person getting this started. He talk to Rusty about me, told him I am a hard worker and I want to succeed in what I want to do. Which was very nice of him. I ended up writing Rusty a message on facebook. He replied that they didn't have any money, since they're just get started. However, once they do get things going he would be happy to have me on the team. I wrote him back saying I could volunteer during the summer if he needs any help. I feel like everyone likes free help. ha

I also plan on working part time or more on my own films. I just want a part time job to help pay bills, and also gain more experience and skills for my field. Also, so I can have money, but I really want to do my own thing. I plan on being in other film festivals in the area and spread myself out across the state, then make my way out. So start here in Lansing, then to Grand Rapids, Detroit, Travers City, then Chicago, Toledo, ect. I need to start networking a lot more and getting my name out there.

I'm so nervous and excited at the same time. Life is about to change, I know I am ready.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Here is my very first short and outside of school project. I made this with my Co-Director Erin Smith for the Fortnight Film Fest.


Well last weekend was the Lansing Film Festival. My team and I made it to the top 15 for Fortnight but we didn't place anything else. I don't care. I still had a movie in the film fest and it was on the big screen. I'm still pretty proud of myself. ALSO my movie was the 1st to get a crowd reaction. I was happy. :) I will be posting the short within the next hour. 

Now I'm working on my website and my demo reel for school. My last day is this Monday! I'm so close to being done! I am so excited! I just have so much to do! @_@

After I am done with my demo reel I am going to work on a couple videos for my friend, Ian Mulvaney. He does stand up comedy at connections here in Lansing. He was the one in the video I posted a while back.  I am going to make shorter videos with only a couple jokes here and there. This way there only a couple minutes long.

I am also working on a script for my webisode. It's going alright. I think I am going to talk to my little sister about helping me write it. She told me she wants to start doing my writing and get her life back... so I'm going to talk to her about it this week. I might even change the whole idea for my webisode... I don't know.

 I'm debating weather or not to do the East Lansing film fest... i should... but i don't know what to do... and I already have a lot going on... we'll see...

Monday, April 2, 2012

So exhausted

Man, making movies really take a lot of energy out of you, but its been worth it! I've been loving ever moment this last week. However, time is going fast and Friday is going to be here soon! I am getting more nervous by the second... every time I am not working on the film, I get scared, like I'm running out of time. I don't want to, I want to finish this and still compete! I wish I had a time machine!

I was editing almost all day and I am about 1/2 way through the video editing, but I still need to match the audio. I've be working on it from 5pm to about now. I didn't work on it last night at all... so I hope that's making good time. @_@  Matching the audio is going to take some time because of the tracks aren't labeled. Yes, they were in order that I filmed, but now the video clips are in that order anymore since I titled them. I'm sure it will be easy, I just need to remain calm.

If my team makes it to the top 15 you can come cheer for us!
Come see the Fortnight Contest Films at the Lansing Public Media Center. Support your favorite team Rec-Les and help us win $500 for the Audience Choice Award!

Admission: $5 or Festival Pass

Sunday, April 1, 2012

On to post production

This last weekend was the longest weekend, I've had in a while. I am so exhausted. Erin and I filmed this last weekend on the short we are making for the contest. The first night didn't go very smoothly. We kept forgetting to shoot scenes and we were jumping all over. Erin and I didn't plan out what to shoot when. It was a mess. So it took longer then it should have. I wanted to be done by 10pm... but we fell an hour and a half behind.

However, Erin and I stayed up late on Friday night and planed out everything we were going to do on Saturday. It worked and made the day go by a lot better. Everyone that was helping me was patient with me, and worked well with me, even when thins got a little heated.

Overall, I feel like everything went well... I mean this is my first movie. I'm really excited to start editing it and getting it finished up to see the final thing. I'm also looking forward to the film fest in April. It's going to be a great time.

After I am done with this short I am going to work on my demo reel for school. I can't believe I finish school this month. I am so excited. I need to keep working on videos, just keep shooting this and edit them. That way I can improve my skills. Also so I can stay in the local film group here in Lansing, MI.

I need to find a real job soon... something to fit my degree... there are going to be a lot of changes in my life soon... this will be interesting, I'm excited to see whats going to happen.