Saturday, June 2, 2012

life so far...

Wow... Haven't been on here in a while. I was busy there for a little bit but things are starting to slow down.

 I'm official done with school. I got my associates degree in Motion Picture Directing and I couldn't be more excited. My degree has still not been mailed to me yet... but I should be getting it soon! Although I still feel at my age I haven't done much. I feel like I need to start working harder then ever and get myself out there.

I applied at CMU and I have a meeting with an adviser this Wednesday. I've already sent my transcript up there... I just don't know what to do next. So I thought it would be best to sit down and talk to someone before I did anything else. Last time when I just winged in through college... I didn't do so good.. this time I plan... or I will do a lot better.
I plan on moving back up north. I was kinda nervous with this idea at first but the more I think about it the more I like the idea. I think it would be a good idea to  move back up there. I have family up there and soon I will be going to school. Plus Andrew has a good paying job up there. I do want to get out of this city... its scary and getting really dangerous. I fucking saw a shooting and had to go to court for it. Fuck it. I'm done with Lansing.

I'm planning on working with a couple people to do the Doritos commercial contest for the Super bowl next year. I just wrote to the two people who came to me with the idea telling them I was still interested. Hopefully I will hear from them soon.

I've been brainstorming ideas for a new story. I'm thinking a detective action short. I think it would be a lot easier and cheaper to  make then a SCI FI. It's based off the shooting I saw Saturday night in Downtown Lansing. How we chased down the gunner.. yeah it was exciting. ha I don't want to tell too much cause it will give it away.