Wednesday, January 18, 2012

this week...

So far this week has been insane. I signed up for this magazine deal/ scam last week. They told me I couldn't cancel it till after three days. When I got the paper in the mail with the information I realized it was 66 bucks a month! I can't afford that! I can barley afford rent right now. POOR college student here people! So I called them Friday night, but they were closed. I then called them on Tuesday and they told me I had up to 3 days to cancel it!! I was pass the days to cancel it!! WTF?! I told them I can't afford it and I can't pay it. So they gave me the student deal which is 25 bucks... I still can't afford that. I told them, and they told me they can't cancel it!! HOW can you not!? Honestly?!

SO I called my bank today, told them what was going on, and I'm now getting a new card. Thank god I have such an understanding bank. Hopefully, I wont have any bill collectors call me... if so I will let them know I told them I couldn't and wouldn't pay for it. So... there fault... GRR

It also doesn't help that everyone has been yelling to me about it. Falling for a scam like that... well I didn't know. GOD! I thought it was a good deal.

On the side note...
I've been looking for a new job, something that pays more and is in my major. I also updated my vimeo, youtube, and LinkedIn pages so maybe something will happen. Just sucks cause no one is hiring right now. So I'm just going to work on my Sci Fi webisode. Everyone that I have talked about it to says they really like the idea. It will be easy and cheap to film, I just have to get the script done. I need to get something out there on youtube to start getting my name out there.

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